Friday, December 18, 2009

Brain Drain

I was reading my old journals yesterday. When I had a realization. I honestly believe I wrote better stories/journal entires in terms of content, grammar and punctuation back in 2006. When i was obsessed with maintaining a diary. Which got me thinking did I get stupider?

Have you ever had that funny feeling, where you think you are getting stupider day by day? Is it just paranoia or is it actually happening?

One minute you think you know everything. The next you realize you don't know anything at all. I’ve been trying to comprehend why this feeling occurs. Maybe being smarter comes with the knowledge there is more to know. But if that was the case why does the feeling mainly occur after a holiday/ rest period. The true question to be asked here is, while the brain is resting, does it lose brain cells?

Letting your brain rest seems like a good idea yes? But its how much rest and what type of rest we give our brain, that determines it’s functioning and getting back into action after this rest period.

It’s some how similar to attending a week of school. Feeling you learned utter non-sense. Where as if you didn’t attend, the following week you would feel lost behind and confused.

I tend to find I feel stupider after the summer holidays. Feeling that some how the time away crushed and destroyed my prior knowledge. Maybe it’s just a normal human feeling. To fear getting stupider; it definitely overwrites thinking you know it all.

I have no idea where I’m going with this post so I’m going to quit!

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