Sunday, January 17, 2010


Sabbii diaries My problem is walking all over me. Aghhhhhh help me! It's like the size of an elephant. It's a mother fucken giant problem. Lol I created the problem now I got to fix it. The reason to why the problem exists simple i am to nice. The beast way to describe my problem would be annoying friend whom forces friendship on you. You try to leave but you are kept prizioner. Occasonally you are given healthy treats but you are forced to survive on pepsi max and canned bull shit till then. I honesly have tried to leave and ditch them but I never am able to. My excape plans always seem to fail. With facebook msn and myspace you can't hide anything. Even when I feel confident enough to say "enough is enough this friendship is over" I get a guilty rush over me. I think what if someone did that to me? I wouldnt like it, therefore why would I do that on purpose to some other person? Tossing around my reasons to hate them. But never can find one that is high enough. Well up to extreem standards where I find acceptable. I can't be mean, I just can't not on purpose. Isn't there a nice way to say I don't want to be friends with you. My best mate has said many times that people will try walk over me because i'm too nice. Truth is I don't want to continue on like this but I'm not mean enough to just walk away. In the end it's my own fault. I smsed back to the smses from the begining I played nice and it back fired I believe there is a lession here I was too nice now I'm going to hurt this person even more. Because they are more attached now and have this happy illusion in there head. But I got to make like Houdini and dispear. But still don't know how to tell them. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Have you told them how you feel about them? Tell them they are too full on and that you need your space. Be firm and don't back down, even if they get upset. There are times in life that you need to stand up for yourself and be assertive.

    I know how you feel though, how you don't want to hurt anyone or cause a fuss. I too need to stand up for myself more, so I know what that is like, but you do need to deal with this issue. Even if it hurts your friend in some way.

    Consider this, if you were in a relationship with this person (or someone like them), would you stay in the relationship? If you are feeling like a prisoner then I would guess that you wouldn't.

    Its the same thing with a friendship, if they are not giving you space you need to do something about it, even if they don't like hearing it. Think of all the times that you've felt bad because of them (or something they've done), and use that to do what needs to be done.

    If talking to them does not help. or resolve the issue, unfriend them on facebook, myspace and delete their MSN contact. Cut off all communication with them.

    You deserve better people in your life than someone who makes you feel bad.

  2. awww thats gotta be the best reply and advice ever :)
    And i'm going to take you advice on board. Cause your right if it where a relationship i would have said your dumpted long ago lol. There shouldn't be different rules and exceptions for friends.


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